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EXCERPT From the Announcement of the FT Cares Foundation in 2012:

"This has been an exciting time as we’ve planned where we’re headed in the years to come. First Trust Cares started with an idea...and a hope. A hope that we could help focus on various charitable needs in our community. ... Each and every one of you who has been a part of our joining in our initiatives; by giving us ideas for charitable acts; by simply wearing jeans; by volunteering...has helped to create our new Foundation, which is dedicated to continuing the work we’ve been doing and growing it ever more. The Foundation is now its own entity – a separate charity organization – that allows donors to receive a tax deduction. You have no doubt heard the phrase here that we are going through time together. First Trust, with tremendous leadership from Jim Bowen and Andy Roggensack, is a firm that cares for its employees, the financial representatives we serve, the clients they serve and for those in need. We have been given much, and we are living proof that ‘to whom much is given, much is expected.’"

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EXCERPT From the Annual Report in 2014:

"Most organizations have what they call ‘humble beginnings.' ... A humble beginning, maybe, but if you’re a family who received a turkey or Christmas gifts or monetary donations during a difficult time, I’m guessing the gesture seemed huge. ... In our first year [as the FT Cares Foundation] we impacted hundreds of lives through 50+ organizations. And we have continued to grow. I used to say in those early days ‘We’re just getting started!’ ... Numbers matter! I am ever mindful of the number of initiatives we’ve done, the number of organizations with whom we’ve partnered (over 100 in 2014), and the number of dollars we’ve donated ... But what I never forget and am humbled by, is the number of you who have chosen to get involved."

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FT Cares Foundation | 120 E. Liberty Drive | Wheaton, IL 60187

© 2011-2025 FT Cares Foundation. All Rights Reserved

FT Cares Foundation is a 501(c) (3) organization

EIN#: 45-4006107

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